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Small Business Development and Strategy


Capture Management: A Proactive Approach to Business Excellence

When it comes to large-scale procurement and contracts, capture management stands out as a critical process that can make or break an organization’s success. In fact, capture management has become an indispensable strategic process that orchestrates the pursuit and acquisition of lucrative contracts. For this reason, understanding its key components and the strategic maneuvers required […]

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What is Business Process Improvement

Mastering Business Process Improvement Key Steps, Methodologies and Best Practices

Every business owner knows there is a myriad of processes and procedures to manage. A lot of them are repetitive, so they must be streamlined and efficient because any disruption or bottleneck can mean a significant loss for the owner. In addition, every department and team member has its own set of procedures, which might

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Operational Planning Vs Strategic Planning

Mastering Operational and Strategic Planning Key Considerations for Business Success and Growth 

Operational planning and strategic planning are two different elements that both play significant and distinct roles. Together, they help a business grow and achieve its long-term goals. Strategic planning happens at the leadership level, outlining how the company will grow while fulfilling its mission and vision over a set period — typically three to five

Mastering Operational and Strategic Planning Key Considerations for Business Success and Growth  Read More »

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