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Marketing and Communication


Business Communication: Driving Organizational Excellence

Effective communication is a key factor in business and can sometimes make or break a company. As organizations navigate a globalized and interconnected world, conveying information concisely and persuasively becomes extremely important. Understanding Business Communication Business communication is the systematic process of conveying information within and outside an organization to facilitate the right decision-making, collaboration […]

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Business Development Vs Corporate Development

Unveiling the Distinction Between Business Development and Corporate Development

Exploring the realms of business strategy can often lead to a maze of terms and concepts. At the heart of this labyrinth lie two key pillars: corporate development and business development. Corporate development orchestrates internal transformations, sculpting businesses for sustained growth with investments, partnerships, and strategic alignments. Business development, on the other hand, sets its

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Content Marketing vs Product Marketing

Navigating the Marketing Maze: Deciphering Between Content and Product Marketing 

It may go unnoticed, but content marketing and product marketing can easily be mixed up. The result: investing resources on the wrong side while, at the same time, targeting the wrong customers.  Essentially, content marketing is all about bringing new prospects close to your service or products, while product marketing involves directly pitching product features

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